Sunday, June 14, 2009


So, to quote the unfortunately-lost-his-way-if-he-was-ever-on-a-path-besides-towards-the-nearest-orgasm Ted Nugent, I went on a Journey to the Center of my Mind today. But not really.

Actually it was to my center that's more central to my mind. Taking cues from good insightful friends of mine, I asked my body what it wanted. I kept rolling stuff past it until sitting near the beach was it. That was a hearty yes, yes, yes.

So I drove to Venice and walked to the beach, walking by my favorite Sherbet joint and massage place, straight to where the sands meet the waters, and I sat and closed my eyes. And the washing of the sound of the waves over me, and the sand in the light air with the spray of salt water, and the was just heaven. Just turning off and tuning into that.

And then spoke with another friend of mine who called. And she talked of doing 40 days and 40 nights of meditation - once in the morning and once in the evening. And that seemed a great thing to do for me. So I'll check that out, and post it here.

Today's results, as perhaps day zero?

I'm leaving LA. Not that it was that much in doubt. But without using the "should" would be great for me.

My continuing goals: really tuning into my passion, and what makes me passionate about actions and paths. To find a path that pulls me along, that consumes me in a cleansing and rejuvenating sorta fire.

Writing is great. Does writing do that? Great if and when I can do it like that.

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